martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011


God's Travel

At the begining of the times, God was trying to finish this wonderful creation, Earth. Pitfully there was someone born in the world who was completely different from God, Devil.He was the worst person that had ever existed. He disagreed in everything. God made plants, water, soil, people, vegetation, fruits among other things. But vegetables couldn't grow from the air, so he created trees but there was a problem: Devil. He didn't agree in making that. He thought that humans could be so stupid that they would not reailse. But God Thought completely different. So God on purpose tried to make humans more inteligents. But Devil made the more stupid every day. Finally God and Devil fought a super master battle wich consisted in playing paintball. After long hours long hours of battle God could won and defeat Devil. He could do what he wnated. After all humans realised about vegetables and developed other new techniques to get better food every single day.


lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Conclusiones, que ves cuando no ves?

Con la profesora paola fuimos a la escuela nº506 de Lanus, una escuela de ciegos.Fuimos y la directora del colegio nos dijo como se manejaban todos los ciegos en esa escuela. Después fueron bajando la escalera y nos dijeron sus nombres, después algunos chicos hicieron una merienda con los no videntes.Al final cuando nos estábamos por ir presentamos los juegos para chicos no videntes y los mapas, luego cantaron una canción algunos chicos ciegos y después nos fuimos.De este proyecto participaron cs.naturales, matemática, construcción de la ciudadanía y lengua.

Fotos Proyecto ciegos

Aqui les voy a mostrar algunas fotos sobre nuestro proyecto: